Available  Treatment

¡¤ Acupuncture   A holistic therapy involving needles which stimulate vital energy points. Each treatment consists of a number of fine needles, usually 4-10, being inserted into specific acu-points for 15 to 30 minutes according to patient¡¯s presenting problem.

¡¤ Acupressure    Also known as Tuina, is Chinese medical massage. Guided by the theory of TCM, utilises different techniques and skills to stimulate the Qi blood through points to correct imbalances, relieve pain and achieve harmony in the body¡¯s system.

¡¤ Moxibustion & cupping   Use cupping which invigorates energy and blood circulation, and moxibustion which are the application of heat with mugwort.

¡¤ Traditional Chinese Herbal Therapy   Prescribed combinations of carefully selected herbs on diagnosis is a very intricate and complex therapy. Clinic studies and practice have proved that TCHT is a safe treatment and in China it tends to be the prefect treatment for chronic conditions.

¡¤ Chinese Cosmetic Treatment  Based on the holistic view of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture cosmetology acts to bring all active factors of the human body into play. Treatment involves Chinese Medical diagnosis plus cosmetic acupuncture and herbal facial care.

¡¤ Auricular Acupuncture  Based on understanding that the macrocosm of the full body¡¯s meridians is represented in the microcosm of the ear. By using special herbal ear seed or needle stimulating the nerves in the auricular area, can regulate disordered organic metabolism; inhibit appetite ,also  for drug addiction recovery and detoxification clinics.

A holistic approach to your wellbeing

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